BugBusters Exterminating LLC

Serving Southwest Ohio and Northern Kentucky


Preparations for “First Time” or “Cleanout” Flea treatments:


It is imperative that you arrange to have all dogs and cats treated by your veterinarian on the same day as your home treatment. Remove any other small animals or pets. Vacuum all carpets immediately before your treatment.  Throw bag away in an outside trash can. If using a bag less vacuum cleaner then remove the bowl where waste is collected and thoroughly rinse out.  

If you are using any commercially available (over the counter) pesticides, discontinue use immediately. These products can prevent the effectiveness of the professional products we will be using.


Living and Family Rooms: 

  • Roll up all “area” and “throw rugs” and place together in area where they can be treated. The garage or unfinished basement is suggested for this.
  • Move all furniture at least two (2) feet away from the walls.



  • Roll up all “area” and “throw rugs” and place together in area where they can be treated. The garage or unfinished basement is suggested for this.
  • Move all furniture at least two (2) feet away from the walls.



  • Move all clothing and stored items away from washer, dryer and sink
  • Locations where the walls and ceilings as well as the walls and floors meet need to be accessible to service personnel.


Aquariums or Fish Tanks:

  • Disable filtering systems at time of treatment and cover with a plastic bag.



  • Remove all pet waste from the yard.
  • Remove pet food, water bowls, and toys and place where they won’t be affected by our application.
  • Remove kid toys and place where they won’t be affected by our application.
  • Cover barbeque grills.
  • The yard is “off limits” during the treatment and for two (2) hours afterwards.


After treatment:

Twenty four (24) hours after initial treatment vacuum your pets’ favorite places to play, rest, sleep and hide and again every three to four days for the next two (2) weeks. It is very difficult to kill fleas before they emerge from their eggs. This is why we treat the inside of your home at least twice. This extra vacuuming helps us help you. Remember to throw bags away in an outside trash can and cleanout waste collecting bowl if using a bag less vacuum cleaner.

For one week to ten (10) days following the treatment you may notice an increase in pest activity. If this occurs do not be concerned. Fleas go through different life cycle stages. During some of these stages they are more resistant to treatment than others. If they survive the initial treatment they will mature to a stage where they are more vulnerable to the ingredients used in our follow-up treatment(s).

We strongly recommend that small children, the elderly, people with respiratory problems and pets vacate the premises during the treatment and remain away for at least two (2) hours.          

Dayton, OH 45401-3151
Phone 937-256-6475

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